Law of Attraction

how to be grateful for what you have (Even When It\’s Hard)

Why Gratitude Is The Key To A Happy Life

We are often told that we should be content with what we have and happy with the life that we are living. But this is easy to say when you look at other people\’s lives, right? It can take a lot of work to learn to be grateful for what you have and not just compare yourself to others in a negative way.

Here are some ways you could start becoming more grateful for your life!

Self Love and Gratitude Affirmations

Giving thanks can make you happier

It\’s natural to be happier when you are thankful for the things that you have. Studies show that happier people tend to be less materialistic and keep their focus on the value themselves rather than what they possess, however, it can also be said that writing down five things you are grateful for each day will make you happier overall, so why not give it a try?

It helps you to value what you have.

When you are grateful for what you have, it can be easier to see how much your current situation means to you. You will know that no matter how things change in the future, or if you were to lose some of the things that are important to you now, there\’s always more on the horizon that makes life worth living. It can also help you to recognize what is important in your life so that you can pursue it even more.

It gives you a sense of purpose.

When writing down the things that you are grateful for each day, or when practicing gratitude in general, one thing that can happen is that you start to feel like all of the little things are working together in your life to help you reach a higher purpose or goal.

This can give you an even greater sense of happiness because you will feel like there is so much more to life than just doing the stuff that\’s required of you and that it\’s all building up to something bigger and better than where you started, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.

There is always something to be grateful for, no matter how bad things seem.

It\’s hard to think of anything to be thankful for when you are feeling down and out, but the truth is that there will always be things that you can be grateful for in your life, even if they feel very small right now.

Keeping track of the things that you are grateful for can also help your mindset when you look around at all of the materialistic things our society tries to convince us we need. You begin to see how much better these \”things\” really are when they aren\’t just thrown in your face everywhere you turn.

It can help you to maintain a healthy relationship with money.

When things are going well, it\’s easy to get caught up in the materialistic side of life and buy stuff that we don\’t need, but a lot of times these purchases end up making us feel worse about ourselves or cause us to be in debt. Sometimes we can even come to a point where we feel like we need these things because there\’s something wrong with us when in reality it\’s just that our materialistic society tries to convince us that this is what life is all about.

When you are grateful for what you have and learn how to not compare yourself to others, you can make better decisions about how to spend your money which will ultimately give you more freedom and happiness.

Why does gratitude work?

Gratitude is all about perspective. When you are thankful for what you have, whether it is the people in your life or something like having food to put on your table, it can open up a new way of looking at how good you actually do have things. It helps us to see that there are always things in our lives that we can value and appreciate, no matter what is going on, and it can give us a sense of purpose for ourselves.

Being grateful can also help your mindset to not focus so much on materialistic things because you will be able to see how they aren\’t that important when you think about all of the good there is out in the world. When we practice gratitude, we can be happier, healthier people.

Why am I not grateful for what I have?

One of the biggest reasons why people aren\’t grateful for what they have is because their life isn\’t perfect. But, is it ideal to wish for things to be better when you can still be happy with where you are?

Another thing that makes it hard to practice gratitude is when we compare ourselves to others and start feeling like our lives aren\’t as good because we have less than them. It can be a struggle to not be jealous of what other people have, but if you haven\’t found a way to be happy with your own life just yet, there\’s no reason why you should be complaining about it! Instead, find the things that do make you happy and don\’t take them for granted.

The biggest thing that makes it hard to be grateful is when we get stuck in these negative thought patterns about our lives and don\’t even realize how good we do have it. Our minds can be our own worst enemy because sometimes they trick us into thinking like we aren\’t worthy of anything good, but this isn\’t true! It\’s important to work on getting out of these types of negative thought patterns so that you can see your life for what it is.

How can I be grateful in hard times?

One of the best ways that you can be grateful is by practicing meditation. Meditation gives us an opportunity to clear our minds and get in touch with our thoughts so that we don\’t let them run wild without us realizing what\’s going on. If you are trying to find things to be grateful for, meditating will help your mind to see what is there.

Another great way to feel more grateful for what you have is by writing in a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal doesn\’t necessarily mean that you are going to write your innermost thoughts or anything like that, but just simply listing out the things that made your day better. This can help you because when you go back and look at the things you wrote down, it can remind you of how grateful you should be.

This is a great way to help you learn gratitude and get in touch with your feelings about the good things that happen to you. That way, when tough times come along, instead of focusing on all the negative stuff that\’s going on around us, you can remember what you are grateful for, and then it will be that much easier to push through.

Think about what you are grateful for!

That\’s probably the number one thing that you should do to become more grateful. When we think of all the good things in our life, it can make us happy which helps us be healthier people overall. So, think about how thankful you are for your life and the good things that happen to you every day.

So why not give it a try and see how much it can change the way you look at your life? Your happiness is important to those around you, so don\’t forget that sometimes all of us need a little reminder as to how lucky we are.

Ways To Have More Gratitude Each Day

7 best positive affirmations for the new YEAR 2022

You\’ve probably heard by now that setting goals and writing down your intentions is a good way to start off the new year, but it\’s hard to stay motivated when your list just feels like a bunch of obligations. The first month of the year is about to end so I\’m wondering if we\’re all having a good start.

A lot of people give up on their resolutions by February, but it doesn\’t have to be that way. You can actually set yourself up for success by using affirmations.


7 Powerful affirmations for the New Year

Let us make things simple and get you focused on this 7 important and powerful affirmations that you can use for the whole year and set yourself up for success.

1. I will think positive thoughts today

Positive thinking really is a major factor in achieving our goals and it\’s also one of the top habits that successful people have mastered. It makes sense because you are literally programming your subconscious mind for positivity by repeating these kinds of things every day. It\’s the reason why you might be a little more optimistic today then you were yesterday that there is a chance that it will continue helping you tomorrow as well.

2. I know I can accomplish my goals

You should always aim high and take yourself seriously, but also remember to have fun while doing it! If this isn\’t your first rodeo then you should know that if you don\’t accomplish one of your goals, you still have the chance to reach them another time. One of the most important things is just staying motivated and not giving up easily.

3. I am looking forward to today\’s adventures

Looking at life through a positive lens helps us to enjoy even the simplest of things. It\’s so important because when you are enjoying yourself, you are less likely to stress over the little things that used to bother you. This kind of positive thinking can actually help us live happier lives!

4. I will be successful and happy today

Success and happiness don\’t always come in a package, but it doesn\’t mean you can\’t have a little bit of both. Sometimes we make things out to be more difficult than they actually are, but don\’t forget that there is a chance for success and happiness if you truly want it.

5. There is nothing holding me back

If there was ever something holding you back from achieving your goals, then now is the time to show it who\’s boss. You shouldn\’t let your fears or doubts keep you from living the life that you\’ve always wanted and you shouldn\’t settle for anything less.

6. I\’m going to make mistakes today and it\’s okay

Life is about making mistakes and learning along the way, but we live in a society where we aren\’t allowed to make any. People will always have something negative to say about it even if they don\’t know the full story, but you shouldn\’t let them get in your way of being a better person.

7. I trust my decisions and instincts

We all make mistakes because nobody is perfect, but it\’s important that we learn from our failures and don\’t let them define who we are. Look back and see what you could have done differently and then take that knowledge with you into your next decision. Trust yourself because nobody knows better than you do!

Choose to change your life TODAY by making the commitment to positive thinking! Affirmations can help you achieve resolutions like never before, but don\’t forget that you have to put in some work!

3 Step Plan To Implement Affirmations Every Day

Create a 3 step plan of how you are going to implement these affirmations into your life on a daily basis.

Create a simple and easy to follow daily plan on how you can practice your daily affirmations. Keep things simple. When things are simple they are easier to follow. Have a simple schedule to follow. Try waking up 5 minutes earlier for example and repeating your positive affirmations at that time every day. If you haven\’t already, get a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings each day. You can look back on this later when reflection time comes along.

1. Make a daily schedule or journal

When you look at your plan there should be a task for every day of the week and it should take no more than 30 minutes. You can do them more or less depending on your schedule, but what matters most is that you get them done.


Repeat affirmation 1 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Repeat affirmation 2 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Repeat affirmation 3 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Repeat affirmation 4 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Repeat affirmation 5 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Repeat affirmation 6 twice throughout the day and also before bedtime.


Do nothing! You deserve it, trust me! 😉

On the next day (Monday), repeat affirmation 7 three times throughout the day and also before bedtime. 

Then repeat the cycle.

2. Record yourself doing your affirmations.

You can either record yourself saying these affirmations or write them down on paper to read every day. The important part is that you are saying them out loud or reading them because it will make you feel like someone else is there with you.

3. Connect with your affirmations

After every affirmation, sit in silence for another 3-4 minutes to really connect with yourself and your surroundings.

Daily Affirmations – What Will They Be?

Now it\’s time for you to take action and fill in the blanks. For the rest of the years, choose one of these as your positive affirmation when you think it will help and connect you more. You can choose all of them if you want!

Just remember that just by repeating a simple statement over and over again, doesn\’t mean that will automatically happen for you. The magic happens when you take action.

If there is something that you want to accomplish for the new year but are having trouble getting started, these affirmations might make it easier for you to continue moving forward! Even though they may not be true right now, repeating them enough will eventually make them come true.


1. I am taking life one day at a time

2. I don\’t care what other people think, I\’m happy with myself

3. Today is the first day of the rest of my life

4. There is nothing holding me back anymore

5. I am going to make mistakes and that\’s okay

6. I trust my decisions and instincts

7. I will be successful and happy today

8. I am going to make the best out of every situation

9. I will take life by the reigns and steer it in the direction that I want to go

10. Every day is an opportunity for me to do better than yesterday

11. I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it!

12. I will be kind and understanding

13. I am ready to take on the world!

14. Today is going to be an amazing day!

15. I don\’t give up easily, so what do I have to lose?

16. There is a learning curve in everything, but that\’s okay because I will learn from my mistakes

17. Every moment presents a challenge and a chance to grow

Final Thoughts

Affirmations help us realize the power of our positive thinking !!!

I am confident! I am successful! I am happy!

I don\’t just think positively, I live positively. Let\’s get started TODAY to create a life that you love!

Let us know if you had any success with these affirmation for the new year and feel free to share more positive affirmations in the comments below.

Thank you for reading!

how can I express my gratitude (The Power of Thank You)

Expressing gratitude is one of the most important things you can do to maintain positive relationships with other people. It\’s also beneficial for your mental health because it helps relieve feelings of isolation and depression. But sometimes it can be tricky to know just how to say thank you.


Tell me the best way to express gratitude to others

Here are my 7 simple tips on how to express your gratitude in the most meaningful way possible.

1) Show appreciation often

Every time someone does something nice for us, we should always take the time to show our appreciation by telling them \’thank you\’. This will help keep their self-esteem high even when they\’re feeling down or discouraged, and make them feel good about themselves as well as appreciate all they\’ve done for us.

2) Write a sincere \”Thank You\” note

We live in a fast-paced and busy world. As such, it can be tempting to try and show your gratitude via text or email, but it\’s still good practice to write down your thoughts on paper so that others can re-read them whenever they want. It makes the person feel special, helps them keep their feelings of self-worth in a good place, and creates a physical reminder of your appreciation, too.

3) Don\’t overdo it

Being thankful is great but being so thankful that you become clingy or aggressive towards the person isn\’t healthy at all. Make sure to communicate what you feel without pressuring them into feeling the same way.

4) Be unique

Instead of thanking them for doing the same thing they\’ve done multiple times, thank them for something specific. The more individualized your thanks is, the better it will be received by the other person. Make sure to consider their personal preferences before deciding on what to say.

5) Show how important they are to you

If you wouldn\’t be the same person without them, tell them. Express how grateful you are for their friendship or love and all that it has given you. Even if the other person just met you, reminding them of how much can go a long way in making sure they know exactly what impact they\’ve had on your life.

6) Be specific with your thanks

It\’s hard to know exactly what to say when you want to express gratitude but don\’t have the right words. If this happens, make sure it\’s explained why they are important to you and how they\’ve helped shape who you are today. This will help them appreciate everything that you\’ve done and all that you are, too.

7) Be realistic and considerate

Don\’t feel like you have to do something that they\’ve done for you or buy a gift when you can\’t afford it. If this is the case, simply say \’thank you\’ instead of making up excuses. This way, you can still share your appreciation without feeling like you have to do something you don\’t want to.

What are Gratitude Gifts?

Gratitude gifts are easy ways to show appreciation to others. They are small tokens of recognition for the things people do and can be presented as a group, one by one, or shared among large groups of people.

Gratitude is an important trait we need more of in our world and Gratitude gifts is here to help people share their gratitude in a way that\’s both meaningful and fun.

Gifts are perfect for special occasions like birthdays, graduations, or saying thank you to someone who has provided help or support in your life. They\’re also great for all kinds of team building activities, workshops, retreats, camps, family events, birthday parties, reunions, wedding showers, baby showers, bridal showers, new baby celebrations, get wells, or just to say thank you to someone who has done something nice for you.

Express your appreciation face to face with a gratitude visit

Even though expressing gratitude in person can be quite an accomplishment for others it will give everyone something that is enough or create a lasting memory with an engraved gratitude gift to let that person know they are appreciated.

If you cannot go for a visit, you can send a personalized video to your friend and family and even include a thank you gift to further express your gratitude.

If you\’re looking for different ways to say \”thank you\” or want to find new ideas for expressing appreciation, there are many personalized gifts available online such as custom growth charts, wood signs, customized photo prints and so much more you just have to use a little bit of imagination.

Tell me the importance of thank you

Expressing gratitude is one of the most important things you can do to maintain positive relationships with other people. It\’s also beneficial for your mental health because it helps relieve feelings of isolation and depression.

Thank you for your help!

Thanks for taking the time to read my article. I hope it\’s helped, and that you now have a better understanding of just how much gratitude can do for you. Thank you so much for reading!

what is the strongest manifestation method (Underestimated yet most powerful)

What is the most powerful manifestation technique I have used

The strongest manifestation method is to be grateful for what you already have. This can be anything from your family, friends, shelter, and food to the car you drive and the clothes hanging in your closet. This will create a lot more balance and happiness in your life.

This is a powerful way to manifest more of what you want into your life as well as practicing the Law of Attraction. For this technique to work, however, you need to know what you are grateful for.

For example, you can have gratitude for your family members instead of being upset because they are not perfect. If anything is ever too much for them, it\’s only because they are human beings and we all make mistakes. Any issue or problem that arises with them doesn\’t define who they are as a person. They might be struggling with their own problems and not even realize it.


Be mindful about your energy

Instead, take a moment and think about all the reasons you are grateful that they are in your life or why you love them. Staying thankful for what they do for you will lead to more gratitude towards other aspects of your life as well. This is because everything in your life is intertwined.

When you find yourself dwelling on something or someone bad, take a step back and think about all the things you are grateful for instead. It\’s okay to acknowledge that some aspects of your life could be better, but don\’t focus on them too much as this may create more tension than needed.

How to manifest what you want

There are a few simple and actionable steps that you can take to manifest what you want in life. You can take these steps to manifest what you want in your life.

1) Be clear about what you want to manifest

To get what you want, you must first know precisely what it is that you desire! And the key term here is exactly — get really particular about your desired results. What is it that you want to manifest in your life?

What specific event would you like to manifest most in your life? Do you want to manifest more money? A new job? An ideal relationship? Knowing precisely what it is that you desire will allow the Universe to send infinite opportunities your way. And seeing that it is already working, chances are you are on your way to seeing it come true.

2) Visualize and believe that it is now yours

Believe in yourself and trust the Universe is working for your highest good. If there was ever a time to believe in something, now would be the time! Take another look at what you have listed as your desired results, and see if you can identify that it is now yours.

3) Take inspired action

The most important part of this manifestation technique is your willingness to take inspired action! Acting on what comes to you is the key factor in making all your dreams come true. You don\’t have to act fast or do anything drastic, but make sure you are taking the necessary steps to get where you want to go.

4) Let it be

The next step of manifesting what you want is one that many people forget: let go! You must accept what comes your way, even if it isn\’t exactly what you pictured. It will become clear in time if this manifestation technique is working for you. Just continue to show up and take inspired action.

5) Practice gratitude and satisfaction on what you have to raise your vibration

Finally, the final step of manifesting what you want is to be grateful for what you have and stay satisfied with how it is now. You must be able to recognize that your desires are manifested into a reality. Be grateful, but don\’t settle! There\’s always room for improvement if you\’re willing to open up your mind and heart to the possibility of more. Once you have these two down, you will be able to reach even greater heights.

These steps will guide you on your way to manifesting the life you truly want and deserve! Keep in mind that when you think about what you do not like in your life, you are creating more of it! Thanks to the law of attraction, the Universe will manifest things to help bring you what you truly want most.

Be grateful each day for all that you have. Remind yourself of all that you are grateful for in your life and all that you are still working towards. Make time each day to reflect on the things that are making your life rich! When you feel down or find yourself complaining, turn those negative thoughts into something positive.


How to create a manifestation plan – and stick to it!

Creating your manifesting plan is more of a process rather than an event. Once you have gone through all five steps of the manifestation technique, it is time to create your manifesting plan! This will ensure that you stay on track for what you want most in life. Here are some actionable ways to go about creating your manifestation plan.

1) Identify your goals

What are the things that you would like to manifest in your life? What is it that you want most? Write a list of everything you can think of, and hold yourself accountable! You will find if there was ever a time to be honest with oneself, now would be the time.

2) Set your priorities

Your list may be a mile long, but it is important to identify which of your goals are most important to you. This will help keep you on track and present when distractions come up along the way. Now go through and give each goal a score based on importance: 1 being least important and 10 being most important. Once this is done, prioritize each goal and mark them accordingly.

3) Prepare your plan of action.

Now that you have identified which goals are most important to you and labeled them accordingly, it is time for the next step: planning! Look at each goal and identify what actions must be taken to manifest your deep desire. Who can help? What resources do you need to create? How long do you have before this plan must be executed?

4) Take action

Once your goals are prioritized and you have a plan for each, it is time to take action. Start with the first step. Identify what it is that needs to be done and then do it! Don\’t stop until you have completed every step involved in manifesting your goal. Once you have taken action, move on to the next one.

5) Reflect and celebrate

Lastly, once you have accomplished your goals it is time for reflection and celebration! This will help keep you motivated and committed to following through with all of your plans. Feel free to reward yourself for your hard work and remind yourself of how you did it!

MAKE IT HAPPEN: Essential Tools for Successful Manifestation

There are many ways to become successful in manifesting what you want in life, but none are more effective than these tried-and-true methods. Here are some essential tools for successful manifestation!

Create a vision board

Now that you have identified what it is that you want most in life, make sure to make it visible! Create a vision board with images and words of everything you wish your life included. Use inspiring images along with words that resonate deeply with you. This will help to clear the path for your goals by providing clarity.

Gratitude Journal

Every day, take time to reflect on all that you are grateful for in your life. This can be anything from your family to the food in front of you, but it all counts! Open your journal and write down several things that you are grateful for. If you find yourself stuck, ask yourself what it is that you take for granted the most and write about that.

Make it happen!

Life is short and we never know what tomorrow will bring. Make sure to live your life to the fullest while creating a space for your goals. Do not spend time on negativity or distractions; instead, always look at how you can improve yourself and grow. Whatever you do, make sure that your life is one worth remembering.

Trust the process of the Universe

No matter what, do not get discouraged. Remember that manifesting your goals is a process. Do not let setbacks or distractions deter you from your path. Keep pushing forward and trust the process of life! It is not easy, but it will be worth it once you open yourself up to allowing more of your dreams to come true.

How can I make my life beautiful (Transform Your Life into a beautiful Journey)

Do you ever feel like your life isn\’t as beautiful as it could be? It\’s not too late to change that! You can do many things to make your life more beautiful. Try to always have a good attitude, be grateful for the people in your life, and try to have some fun every day!


What is your idea of a beautiful life?

I think it is important to be grateful for the people in your life. I think it\’s also important to try to have some fun every day and always have a good attitude.

Here are some tips to create a beautiful, and extraordinary life

1) Always have a good attitude toward life

Start every day with a good attitude by being thankful for the things you have. When you wake up in the morning, before you even get out of bed, think about 3 good things that are going to happen today. For example: \”I\’m going to have fun at school today\” or \”I\’m going to play with my dog after I get home.\” Having a good attitude about life makes it a lot more fun and beautiful.

When you wake up every day, what is the first thing you think about?

It is a beautiful day!


It\’s a beautiful day. My bed is so warm and soft under me, and the sun streaming in through my window is just too perfect. I have this feeling that it\’s going to be such a great day, like all of my dreams are about to come true. The wind blowing outside the window sounds like angels singing sweet songs, and I can almost smell the freshness floating in from outside; there must be rain on its way again today… This will be such an amazing morning!

2) Be grateful for the people in your life

You can be grateful by writing thank-you notes. For example, when your friend holds the door open for you or when someone brings food to share at lunch. Say thank you in person if possible, but even when that is not an option, sending a hand-written note in the mail can be very thoughtful. If you don\’t have anyone to write to, volunteer your time so you can help someone else become beautiful.

3) Try to always have some fun every day!

It\’s important to not take everything in life too seriously. For example, if you lose at a board game with your family, try to laugh about it and have fun when the next game starts. Always look for ways to make your day more beautiful and always keep a good attitude and be grateful for what you have!

What is the most important quality for living a beautiful life?

I think that being grateful for the people in your life is a very important quality to have when you live a beautiful life.


Being grateful for the people in your life, trying to have some fun every day, and always having a good attitude are all qualities of living a beautiful life.

What other qualities do you think contribute to living a beautiful life?

I think it\’s also important to be kind and respect others. It is nice to live in a world that is peaceful, loving, giving and caring. I think that people who are grateful for the little things in life are more likely to have beautiful lives. People who can love everyone in their life can really make a difference in the world by spreading their happiness.

When you are feeling sad, what is one way that you cheer yourself up?

I like to look at pictures of my family and friends or watch a movie if I\’m sad and just need to feel better. If I remember that my life is actually really great and that there are people out there who have it worse than me, I will feel more positive about where I am in my life right now.

What should people who want to live beautiful lives do?

People who want to live beautiful lives, like I do, should always try to have a good attitude and be grateful for the people in their life. People should also try to have fun every day or find little things in life that make them feel good.

How often do you have fun daily?

People should do fun activities every day! Think about how many things in your life make you happy. I bet you\’ve had a lot of fun in your lifetime!


I always try to have some fun when I wake up – either by playing games on my phone, eating breakfast, or watching TV. Working on something interesting can also be a great way to enjoy yourself and still feel productive at the same time. You can\’t just be productive all the time!

Why is it important to do fun things?

My opinion is that doing fun and enjoyable activities every day is really important for living a beautiful life. There are just some days that are harder than others, and on those days you need something to help brighten your day.


Doing fun things every day helps lengthen your life, makes it easier to be more creative, and stays with you for longer! Having something that you love doing is very important, especially if you are trying to do everything you can to live a beautiful life.

What are some activities that you do to have fun?

1) I like to watch TV with my family in the evenings

2) I hang out with friends at their homes or mine

3) I go on long walks alone or with a friend.

4) I also talk to my mom on the phone every night before bed, which is very special for me because we get to really bond together every day.

5) I also like to go shopping to relax, and going on adventures with my family is a very fun activity for everyone.

What are some other activities that you could incorporate in your life?

People who want to live beautiful lives should always try to have a good attitude and be grateful for the people in their life. People should also try to have fun every day or find little things in life that make them feel good.


I already do a lot of stuff, but I could do way more than this! The key is finding something you love doing and doing it as much as possible! The more time I spend having fun, the happier I will be with my life.

Give away love to feel more love

When you give love to others and feel loved by them, it can make you feel happier with your life. If you are grateful for the people in your life and treat them nicely, chances are they will reciprocate and you will feel happier with your day.

How do you give love to others?

1) I like to be kind and always see the best in others! I believe it is important to be a good person and easygoing around others – it allows them to feel better about their day and you to feel better about your life.


2) I like to be generous with my time and have a good attitude when I\’m around others! This makes people happier every day, which is always going to lead to a more beautiful life.


3) I also think that treating people with respect is a very fundamental aspect of being a good person. If you want to be treated nicely, you should treat everyone else nicely as well.

Final Thoughts

The joys of living a beautiful life depend to each one of us. While it\’s hard to quantify, we can say that the happiness you feel from having a good attitude or being excited about small things in your day will probably lead to increased productivity and creativity as well as an overall sense of fulfillment for what you\’ve accomplished.


Living beautifully is all about finding ways to make yourself happy daily – even if those moments come from the simplest things. What\’s important is to always look for the joys in life, to be grateful for your life, and to have fun every day!

how to practice gratitude (7 Powerful Daily Habits for a Happy Life)

Gratitude is an attitude of thankfulness or appreciation, usually in response to kindness. It can also be a virtue practiced by those who feel privileged and prosperous as a way of giving back for their good fortune.

Gratitude is the opposite of entitlement; it leads to joy instead of resentment and despair. Gratitude creates happiness and contentment, while entitlement breeds feelings that life has not been fair or that one deserves better than what they have been given.

How do I practice gratitude every day?

Practicing gratitude helps cultivate a healthier mindset because it allows us to focus on our blessings rather than our shortcomings, which is often more difficult if we\’re led by envy or bitterness rather than gratefulness. Given this, practicing gratitude will lead to less stress, improved sleep, and improved relationships with others.

7 Powerful Gratitude Exercises You Can Do Everyday

The practice of taking notice of the good things that happen every day, such as finding a dollar on the ground or finishing your workday. Instead of taking these things for granted, be grateful for them. When we find ourselves thankful and appreciative of little things in our lives, we become happier people.

Here are the most popular and effective ways to practice gratitude:

1) Meditation

Start your day with gratitude by meditating for 5 minutes in the morning before you get out of bed. Take note of how you feel when your alarm goes off, then take a moment to be grateful that the ground below your feet is solid and that you have another day to enjoy. Breathe in gratitude for all your senses, including sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, and awareness. Close off with thankfulness for everything you have accomplished so far.

2) Gratitude Journal

Making a Gratitude Journal is another great way to practice gratitude. At the end of your day, take 5 minutes to write about things you are grateful for. It can be anything–a beautiful sunset, good food in your lunchbox, or even just finishing up your workday.

3) Gratitude Jar

Create a gratitude jar to remind you of all the things in life that deserve your appreciation. Write down one thing each day, then read them out loud before bed or before leaving for work.

4) Gratitude Box

Put together a box filled with reminders that every day is another chance to be happy and grateful for what you have. Include anything you can think of, such as a box of chocolates or your favorite magazine. You can put it beside your Manifestation box to remind yourself of the positive things that are coming your way.

5) Gratitude Tree

Carve out a space in your garden to plant a gratitude tree. Every day, read aloud what you have added to your gratitude box or jar. Make sure you water it every day so that you can watch it grow and become healthier over time.

6) Gratitude Letter

Write a gratitude letter to your parents, friends, or family. It can be short or long–just make sure you cover different points in your life that have led to where you are today. This is great to do when you\’re feeling down and missing what has already passed in your life.

7) Gratitude Walk

Spend time walking outside and counting your blessings. Who or what do you have to thank for the roof over your head, the clothes on your back, and the food in your stomach? Look around at everything around you–the trees, flowers, grass, air, birds singing; these are all things to be grateful for.

Practice Daily Gratitude

List five things you are grateful for at the end of your day. The trick is finding things beyond food, shelter, and safety that bring a smile to your face. No matter how small they seem, it\’s important to be thankful for the little things as well as the big ones. Remembering these \”little\” things

Think about why each thing is significant to you and how it makes your life better or easier. Not only will writing these things down become habitual (increasing the likelihood you\’ll do it), but it will also make other parts of your life (health, relationships) better.

Journal for Goals (Journaling That Will Get You Results)

It’s January 1st, and you have a goal.

That might not seem like much of an accomplishment, but it is. Being able to articulate your goals is the first step in achieving them. So what are some ways that you can accomplish your goals this year? One way to plan for success is by breaking down your goals into manageable steps so they don\’t feel so overwhelming. Writing your journal for goals will help you get there!

What are Goal Setting Planners


Goal setting planners are a way of breaking your yearly goals into monthly or weekly steps to stay organized and get more done. This journal is the goal-setting planner that you have been looking for. It\’s designed to help you get from where you are today to where you want to be in 365 days! It’s broken down into 31 weekly goals. Each weekly goal is broken down into seven daily tasks that are easy to accomplish.


At the end of each week, you can re-evaluate your goals and adjust them if need be. You can also take note of any achievements or milestones that you hit along the way!


Did you reach one of your goals? Mark it down! Did you do more than one of your daily tasks? Mark both on the trackers! It’s important to give yourself credit for all the steps that you take towards your goals. That way, you can build up momentum and stay motivated on your path to success!

Benefits of Journaling

If your goal is to journal daily, then a regular journal might be best for you. That way you can look back at your thoughts and draw strength from important landmarks in the past when things get tough.

Journaling is an amazing tool that can help you in so many ways. Here are just a few of them:

Boost your memory

When you write down your thoughts, you sort them out and organize them in a way that’s clear to you and anyone else who reads what you’ve written.

Better sleep

If you journal before bed, it can help relieve the stress of your day and lull your brain into a calm state, making it easier to fall asleep.

Boost your mood

When you have a place to put all your feelings, they don’t stay stuck inside of you and cause more problems. Also, writing down good things that happened during the day is an easy way to boost your mood!

Stay accountable

You can’t make excuses for why you didn’t get something done if you have proof on paper!

Get new ideas

When you look back at your journal, it may spark some creative new ideas that you never would have thought of otherwise.

How does this journal work?

The pages in this journal are designed to help you with your goal setting. It begins by asking you to write down your long-term goals for the year and then continues on to ask questions that will help you plan out your weekly and daily tasks. Each page is laid out so that it’s easy for you to see what needs to be done first, second, and so on until you accomplish your goal. 

There’s a place for big goals and small goals, so feel free to write as much as you want!

What will using this journal do for my goals?

This journal is designed to help you set all your goals this year. It helps break down larger goals into smaller steps and allows you to mark your progress as you go. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the things that you want to accomplish, but this journal makes goal setting manageable and achievable!

What is the best goal planner?

The Simple Elephant System Journal

For me, the Simple Elephant System Journal works best. I\’ve used many other methods and planners to try to get organized, but this journal has worked the best for me. The system is designed with simplicity in mind because that\’s what works best for me.

It lets you get all your thoughts out on paper so your brain doesn\’t get overloaded. It enables you to easily write down specific tasks for each goal. It\’s flexible enough to fit all kinds of needs, from general planning to monitoring your progress every day.

It works great as a daily planner and goal-setting journal because it lets you track your progress as you go, which helps build momentum and stay motivated on the path to success!

This journal is a great way to get all your goals organized. Whether you want to plan out every detail of your weeks for the next year or just jot down how you’re going to make time for each goal, this planner has everything that you need!

Final Thoughts

If you want to set all your goals this year, then this journal is for you! It will help you break down larger goals into manageable steps and allow you to mark your progress as you go. Use these pages to work towards all your small and large goals for the year, whatever they may be!

Goal setting (7 Habits to A Life of Fulfillment)

When you think about it, there\’s a lot of pressure in setting goals. You have to decide what you want and then commit to achieving them. It takes commitment, courage, and sometimes enormous effort. But if you take the time to set your own goals instead of letting someone else do it for you–if you refuse to live by default–you\’ll be amazed at what happens next!


What is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is a skill that can improve every aspect of your life: how much money you make, who your friends are, the kind of car you drive…your whole life will change when goal-setting becomes a habit. It\’s never too late or too soon to start setting goals for yourself. In fact, it\’s more than never too late–it\’s ideal to set your life goals before you reach the age of forty.

Why is goal setting important?


People who know how to set goals are more successful. They earn more money, they have better relationships, and they live happier lives. It\’s never too early or too late to become a goal-setter yourself!


The importance of goal setting is often overlooked.


Setting goals for yourself will not only motivate you to achieve them but will also set a course for your future at the same time. It is important to put your dreams and aspirations into words so they can be more tangible which in turn will make them more achievable.


You\’ll soon find that there are many benefits of goal setting on both a personal and professional level so it\’s never too late to start!

How does Goal Setting help you?

Goal setting helps you decide what is important to you so that you can take steps to get there. It\’s a map for your life–a simple and effective way to stay on track so that you can continue to improve yourself. When you set goals, you\’ll not only accomplish more but you\’ll be able to savor the journey along the way!

Benefits of Goal Setting

Setting goals will encourage you to take action and instill discipline in your life, both of which are hallmarks of success. And who doesn\’t want to be successful?


They also provide a road map to achieve your personal goals for your future and help you stay focused on the things that matter to you. You\’ll feel motivated by setting goals because they allow you to measure results, determine priorities, and set benchmarks for tracking progress.

Social benefits:

– You\’ll be more successful.

– You\’ll earn more money.

– You\’ll have better relationships.

Emotional benefits:

– It will give you a sense of purpose and direction in life.

– It will help you stay motivated and committed to your goals.

Physical benefits:

– You will become healthier.

– You\’ll be less likely to overeat or eat unhealthy foods.

Spiritual benefit:

– It will help bring you inner peace and satisfaction.

Goal setting process using SMART goals?

When setting a goal, you should implement SMART goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and with a time frame in mind. You should also constantly be evaluating your goals to make sure they are realistic and achievable.

How to create SMART goals:


The more specific you are, the easier it is to achieve your goal. \”I want to get in better shape\” isn\’t exactly a well-thought-out goal; however, \”I want to lose 10 pounds in 6 months\” is much more precise.

It\’s important to be specific when you set your goals–you\’ll need a clear picture of exactly what you want in your personal life. Where do you see yourself in five years? What steps are necessary for you to reach this vision of yourself? What can you do in the next thirty days to start working toward long-term personal growth? How will you know that your goal was accomplished?


Your goal should involve some kind of quantifiable value that you can measure yourself against. If your goal is \”I want to be happy,\” how will you know when you\’ve achieved it?


You need to set achievable goals. For this, they should stretch your abilities while not being overwhelming or impossible. You might not ever become a professional basketball player, but that doesn\’t mean you shouldn\’t shoot for it!


Your goal should align with your priorities and values. It also needs to be realistic goals to the rest of your life–it shouldn\’t be a pipe dream or a complete fantasy. You need to be able to work it into your daily schedule.

You should also make sure your goals are realistic. There\’s no sense in making a list of things you\’ll never be able to do–it\’s like trying to jump off a cliff and expecting to soar like an eagle! When you set goals, make sure that it is something that can be achieved in a logical amount of time.


A great way to keep a goal anchored in reality is by establishing a deadline. You don\’t have to give yourself an exact date, but having a month or even year will help you plan how you\’re going to achieve your goal.

Make sure there are steps involved in your goals–something you can do one day at a time or week by week until your goals are realized. You\’ll also need milestones along the way so you\’ll know when to celebrate the small victories as well as the big ones.

what questions should I ask myself when setting personal goals

-How will it change my life?

-What skills will I learn?

-How much money do I want to make per year?

-What is my desired salary range in 5 years time?

-Who are the people around me now?

-Do they support or hinder my goals?

-How can I adjust my social circle to help me succeed in life and in my career?

-What do I want to change in the next month, 6 months and in a year?

How often should I set goals?

Make it a regular practice to set your life goals at least once a year and revisit them every three months until they are achieved or no longer serve their purpose. You should also review your goals regularly just to make sure that they are still relevant.

How can I stay motivated to achieve goals?


Motivation is the most important part of setting and achieving goals. You should stay motivated by visualizing in detail what achieving your goals means to you.


Think of the happiness, relief, and sense of pride that will reward you in achieving your goal. What is the best-case scenario when you achieve your goal?


Write it down over and over again until you can\’t stop thinking about it until it becomes real to you.


It\’s also a good idea to establish a reward system for yourself. Allow yourself a few short-term goals so you can give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back when you achieve them.

7 Habits to Get Positive Results

When setting your personal goals you will need to have certain qualities.


Be clear on what you want to accomplish with your goal.

The more clear you are about your goals the more likely it is that you will achieve them. You need to be able to crystallize your goal into a statement of fact. Be specific, not general in defining your goal.


Commitment means you are all in 100% to making it happen. You need to know that this is something you want more than anything else. Start by deciding what your goal will be and why you wish to accomplish it. What would not having this mean?


After you establish the why, make sure you believe that success is possible for YOU. If you don\’t believe it, who will? You may already have achieved some goals so go back to them and remember the steps required to accomplish them.


Once you truly believe that success is possible for you, then comes planning. Make sure your plan is well thought out and detailed. When you know what you are aiming for, you can then establish a timeline.

Be passionate about it

If you\’re interested in something then achieving your goal will be much easier. You will also be able to make more progress and stay motivated throughout the process.


Before you begin, write down your three biggest rewards for achieving this goal and congratulate yourself on them. The more specific the better, so you will be able to look back and see how far you\’ve come and what has been achieved.

Get up and go

When setting goals, consider the people around you. If they are not supportive of your goals, consider whether or not they are part of your life. You will need to let go of any negative influences to allow yourself room and time for success.


Practice goal-setting regularly so that it becomes a habit. Once you\’ve mastered this skill, nothing can stop you from achieving success!

Do you want to reach your goals?

Absolutely! Set goals today.


It\’s never too late to start making changes in your life so you can live the future you\’ve always wanted for yourself.


Goal setting is one of the most important things you can do for yourself because it will help you determine what your priorities are, give you a sense of purpose, show you how to take action, and motivate you to keep working towards your goals.


I hope that helps! Thanks for reading.

benefits of gratitude (The Key To Lasting Wealth)

Gratitude has been proven to be an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s something that many people don’t think about, but it can have some very positive effects on your health and happiness. Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation or thankfulness for what one has in life, whether big or small.

The Science Behind Gratitude

Studies show that practicing gratitude can help you develop new neural pathways in your brain which can lead to improved memory and cognitive functions. It also puts you in a better mood, reduces anxiety and depression naturally, improves sleep quality, and decreases stress levels!


The Journal of Neuropsychiatry wrote that “A growing body of literature has begun to elucidate the relationship between an appreciation of life or gratitude and a variety of positive psychological traits.” Gratitude can also help you establish more satisfying relationships because it reduces feelings like envy, regret, resentment and bitterness.

The Benefits of Gratitude – Connecting You and Others

Gratitude Connects You To Yourself

Gratitude is good for your health as well as your happiness because it can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help you recover from illness faster and improve the quality of your sleep. Getting enough sleep has been shown to make people happier and healthier overall.


If you’re feeling stressed, practicing gratitude can help you keep that stress from getting out of hand. When you’re grateful for the things you have, it makes your problems feel less daunting and easier to manage. People who practice gratitude tend to feel more optimistic about their futures as well as take better care of themselves physically.

Gratitude Connects You To Others

Gratitude also helps you feel more connected to others. It reduces feelings of loneliness, isolation, self-pity, and helplessness which are all things that lead to depression. Gratitude can also help you bond with friends and family by fostering closer interpersonal relationships.


The best part is that practicing gratitude doesn’t require a huge time or energy commitment.

Mental Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude has also been shown to boost your memory and help you create new neural pathways in your brain, which can lead to improved cognitive function. People who practice gratitude tend to have better moods overall and they feel less anxious about the future too. Gratitude is something that anyone can incorporate into their lives because it doesn’t require any special skills or abilities.

Emotional Benefits of Gratitude

Being thankful helps you avoid negative thoughts and feelings of envy, regret, resentment, or bitterness. It also helps your relationships because it makes you feel less envious of others who have things that you want for yourself. This can help prevent fights and arguments with friends, family members, coworkers, and romantic partners.

Gratitude is an easy way to remind yourself why your life is worth living and it can help you appreciate what you have rather than focusing on the things you don’t. It puts life in perspective and reminds us of how much we really have to be thankful for. Gratitude also improves your mood because it makes you feel good about yourself and your capabilities, which can boost self-esteem.

Physical Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude can help improve your sleep quality and decrease stress levels, which is especially helpful for people who have trouble sleeping. While it’s a natural mood booster, gratitude also reduces feelings of envy, resentment, bitterness and regret because these negative emotions can make you feel tired and run down all the time.

Gratitude Promotes Prosocial Behavior

Gratitude is something that everyone can benefit from because it has no negative side effects and there are abundant benefits. It’s also extremely easy to practice gratitude because it only involves taking the time to recognize all of the good things you have in your life instead of focusing on what you don’t or dwelling on the bad things. It only takes a few minutes a day to remind yourself of all of the great things you have going for you and why your life is worth living.

Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Every Day

Gratitude is a great way to keep your life in perspective, so it’s important to practice it every day.

1) You can start by simply writing down what you’re grateful for in a journal every morning before going about your day. This can be anything from having food to eat, a warm place to sleep at night, or your family.

2) You can also try practicing gratitude by writing letters to the things you’re most grateful for in life. If you’re having trouble thinking of what to write about, consider starting with your family members and friends – they make great subjects!

3) If you’d like to take your gratitude a step further, try getting involved with a local volunteer group. Volunteering is a great way to give back and it can help you feel more connected to your community which will boost your sense of happiness and wellbeing!

By practicing gratitude on a daily basis, you can have healthier relationships, better health, and you’ll also find yourself feeling happier.

Gratitude is a powerful tool that everyone should keep in their lives!

Starting A Gratitude Journal

A Gratitude Journal Can Change Your Life

One way to start your gratitude journal is to write about what you\’re grateful for in the morning before you go about your day. You can also take time to write letters to the things that you\’re most grateful for in life. If you\’re not sure what to write, try writing about your family or friends. If you want to take it a step further, try getting involved with a local volunteer group – volunteering can have many great benefits so it\’s worth giving it a shot!

A Gratitude Journal Can Improve Your Life

Gratitude journals are an excellent way to keep your day-to-day problems in perspective and remember that there are plenty of other things that are right in front of you that are far more important than your temporary problems.

Gratitude journals are an easy way to keep track of what you\’re grateful for in life and there are several different ways that you can practice gratitude every day. The most simple way to start your gratitude journal is by writing down what you\’re thankful for in the morning before going about your day.

You can also take time at night to write letters to things that you feel grateful for in life. If you want to make it more fun, try keeping track of specific events throughout the week that made you feel grateful – it can help you solidify the memory of what made you feel grateful, which is a great way to boost your mood and give yourself a better perspective on life.

What Can I Be Grateful For?

3 Things You Should Never Take For Granted

1) Family

2) Friends

3) Health

So why is gratitude so powerful?

For one, it helps you realize what’s really important in life. Gratitude can help you stay grounded and stop you from becoming overwhelmed by the challenges that come with success. It also makes you happier because it reminds you of the things that are going right instead of wrong specifically when times get tough.


Gratitude is a way of living that makes you feel good and helps you get the most out of life. The best part is that anyone can practice gratitude because it requires very little effort or time commitment, but the benefits are endless!


Thank you for reading this article on the benefits of gratitude!

Related sources: 

Benefits of Gratitude

how can I stop feeling insecure about my looks (11 Tips for Complete Self-Assurance)

Insecurity is something that everyone faces at some point in their lives. It can come from many different sources, but most often it stems from the way one looks.


It\’s not uncommon for people to feel bad about themselves because of what they look like, and this feeling can make them want to avoid social situations and isolate themselves.


This article will discuss how insecurity with your appearance can be a problem and also offer solutions on how to stay confident despite your imperfections.


What is the BEST WAY to Deal with Self Insecurity

Overcome Insecurity: 11 Tips to Find Inner Stability and Become More Confident

When you\’re ready to start feeling confident and turn things around, read on.

1 . Stop self-criticism and own your imperfections.

Stop judging yourself by your looks. If you don\’t let go of these thoughts, insecurity will persist. Your flaws are not the be-all and end-all of you.


Accept your flaws and do not hide them. Not only does hiding away your flaws simply exacerbate the feeling that something is wrong with you, but it\’s also impossible to do. When you try to alter everything about yourself at once, it just looks unnatural and makes the real you disappear. So don\’t be afraid of being seen as you are; you are beautiful no matter what.


Take pride in what makes you different and don\’t try to change or wish that you were someone else. You are special for who you are, including the way you look! Just remember that even though not everyone is perfect, it\’s what\’s on the inside that counts.


\”Your soul is more important than your appearance. And you should never let anyone make you feel inferior to them.\”

2 . Stop comparing yourself to others

When you compare your looks to others, it will only make you feel worse about yourself. You are who you are; there\’s no changing that. When you learn to love yourself for who you are, insecurity will fade away.

3 . Stop focusing on your weaknesses and be patient with yourself.

No one is perfect. You are not defined by the areas in which you are lacking. If there are particular aspects of your appearance that bother you, try to focus on things about yourself that make up for it.


Remember, everyone makes mistakes and has insecurities about something. And if someone hasn\’t had any problems or self-doubt at all, then they might not be human! You are completely normal for feeling the way you do.

4 . Love yourself for who you are

Remind yourself that nothing can change what\’s important about you-like your soul or heart. Not even the way you look affects these things! Self-love affirmations can also help you find love for yourself.


Print out these I Am Beautiful affirmations to post on your mirror and say them to yourself every morning and before going to bed at night.

5 . Compliment yourself every day

Telling yourself that you\’re beautiful, even when you don\’t believe it, can help a lot. Compliment yourself on your abilities or accomplishments from the day before. You can choose to think of something positive about yourself every time you get ready for bed and give yourself a genuine compliment.


Make a list of your best traits. If you do this, it will be easier to see the beauty in yourself. And when you focus on these good traits and stop fixating on what\’s wrong with you, insecurity will fade away.

6 . Do things that make you feel good

Give yourself some \”me\” time. Do things that make you feel good about yourself, like getting a manicure or massage. Makeup tutorials can also do the trick! Doing self-care activities is a great way to boost your self-esteem and feel better about yourself.

7 . Set small goals

\"HowTry to build yourself up by taking small steps. Don\’t go from being insecure about your appearance to being confident in a snap-it should be a gradual process over time.


For example, if you want to lose weight, start by finding a dress that you like and affirming to yourself that you will exercise until you can fit in them. That makes you feel beautiful and rock them when you go out.


Don\’t be afraid to make changes.


Take small steps if you feel insecure about changing something significant. Feeling good is the most important thing here; take things at your own pace. You can start with an easy change like dying or cutting your hair.


If changing completely seems daunting, try changing one thing about your look at a time. Even if you feel intimidated or anxious, it will be worth it when you see yourself become more beautiful before your eyes! These small steps could make the biggest difference in how you view yourself.

8 . Don\’t rely on validation from anyone else

Don\’t strive to impress everyone around you or fit in with the crowd. If someone doesn\’t accept you for who are, they\’re not worthy of your time. Keep this in mind whenever feelings of insecurity arise.


No one else\’s opinions should matter when you\’re trying to learn to love yourself. You don\’t need someone else\’s approval or acceptance, so stop worrying about it. People who truly care about you won\’t judge you for the way you look, but will care about who you are on the inside.


Don\’t let strangers or classmates get you down. Don\’t compare yourself to them and remember that everyone is unique in their own way, which means no one is perfect. When someone insults you for how you look, don\’t let it bother you because they probably aren\’t very confident themselves and trying to make themselves feel better by picking on you.

9 . Dress up for yourself, not for others

If you want to look nice, you should do it because you want to make your day better, not because someone else wants you to. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that no one\’s opinion matters except yours. Put on makeup or do your hair if doing so makes you feel happy on the inside. This is your time to shine and love yourself unconditionally.

10 . Be confident in your opinions

Having self-confidence goes hand-in-hand with having confidence about how you look. When you go out, try not to let what others think to keep you from speaking up or sharing your opinions. If you don\’t like something, say it!

11. Remove from your circle those who make you feel less.

If you have friends who put you down or make you feel bad about yourself, tell them that this isn\’t okay. If they don\’t respect your feelings and continue to be rude, stop spending time with them. You deserve to surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are.

How do I accept my looks?

Self-acceptance is the most important part. Once you love yourself for who you are, insecurity will fade away.


Practice self-love. I also have a Positive Self Love Affirmations book which is printable and you can post them everywhere in your house so you can always be reminded to love yourself.


Follow all of the steps above to lock in unconditional love for yourself!

How do you get rid of physical insecurities?

Focus on your best features instead of dwelling on what you think is bad. Compliment yourself daily and set small goals for yourself so you feel less insecure. Try dressing up in a way that makes you happy, not because someone else wants you to look a certain way.


Be confident-don\’t hide your opinions just because of other people\’s thoughts or feelings about it! Always remember what matters most is how YOU feel, not what others think.

Complete Emotional Healing

Find your strengths and work on them. You never know when you could use some extra confidence during a job interview or first date, so brush up on your best qualities now!


If you follow these steps, you\’ll be well on your way to having more confidence in yourself no matter what anyone says.


Celebrate your progress and let that motivate you to keep moving forward and improving yourself inside and out!

Related sources: How To Feel Beautiful